Windows 11 BSOD error caused by Intel Wi-Fi driver

The company confirms through Release Notes, fix rolled out for users

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Windows 11 Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) caused by Intel's Wi-Fi driver

Intel confirmed that an issue with its Wi-Fi driver resulted in the Windows 11 BSOD error, aka Blue Screen of Death. Recently, the company released the Wi-Fi driver package version 23.30.0 to address the problem.

The driver update offers more than just fixing the Windows 11 BSOD error. In the supporting document, Intel mentions that the new Intel Wi-Fi drivers will enhance QoS management. Additionally, the company talks about Enhanced Power Management based on network latency. The document further outlines about fixing the following issues:

  • Windows System Event ID 5002 error 
  • Yellow exclamation mark beside wireless adapter in Device Manager
  • ‘No Wi-Fi networks found’ error in Wi-Fi list
  •  Wireless adapter nor connecting to monitor via Miracast

Intel mentions that Wi-Fi driver package version 23.30.0 addresses the above issues, including others affecting stability, performance, or vendor-specific features. 

Apart from rolling a fix for Windows 11 BDOS errors, Intel also pushed Wireless Bluetooth driver version 23.30.0 to improve device stability after waking up from sleep mode. The driver update further aims to enhance connectivity for users when using a secondary controller while gaming.

Did updating Wi-Fi drivers help you fix the issue? Let us know in the comments. Also, you can always check our complete guide on how to fix Windows 11 BSOD.

More about the topics: Driver issues, Windows 11