Microsoft Fabric now helps you create folders and organize your items

The Folder feature will declutter your workspace and find items faster

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Microsoft Fabric now allows folder creation to organize items inside workspaces

Microsoft Fabric has become an analytics powerhouse since its last year release. Recently, Microsoft held a Fabric Community Conference to announce a couple of interesting new features.

One of the most important is that now you can create folders into your workspaces, an feature that Microsoft says that came from the clients’ suggestions.

What is the Folder feature all about?

The problem is that while you develop a project in Microsoft Fabric, the workspace gets cluttered and you lose focus on certain items which become harder to find.

What Folder does is to help you group and categorize the fabric items into an efficient structure based on categories, deployment stage, quality of data and more.

Source: Microsoft

The usage is pretty simple: You can create a new folder from the +New menu. Then you can create subfolder for up to 10 levels deep.

You can add any type of Fabric item inside the folders and then, you can also move them one by one or by selecting multiple items.

According to Microsoft’s announcement, you may also create new items inside the folders from the same +New drop-down menu.

Also, if you’re a Power BI developer, there is also possible to upload .pbix files directly into a folder. However, you will have to wait a bit longer (in the following months, according to Microsoft) if you want to publish a report from Power BI Desktop to a folder in the workspace.

Of course, you may also delete, rename, or move a folder in a similar way to what you do in Windows Explorer or OneDrive, but only if the folder is empty.

What do you think about the new Folder feature in Microsoft Fabric? Let us know in the comments section below.

More about the topics: Business software, microsoft