Windows 11 24H2 will be a nail in the coffin for WordPad

The latest Windows 11 feature update won't have WordPad

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Windows 11 24H2 wordpad

Microsoft is slowly but surely removing old Windows features and components, and one of those components is WordPad.

According to the latest news, it seems that WordPad is finally being removed in the upcoming feature update.

The next Windows 11 update will remove WordPad entirely

We already wrote that WordPad is no longer available in the Windows 11 Canary build, and now it seems that the app will be removed in the upcoming Windows 11 update as MSPowerUser writes.

Windows 11 version 24H2 is almost here, and it seems that WordPad will be removed from Windows 11 as well as Windows Server 2025.

This isn’t the only feature that is being removed, and many Control Panel features will be moved to the Settings app in 24H2 update.

If you want to continue using WordPad, you’ll have to stay on the current version, but that’s not an option for many.

More advanced users may be able to extract wordpad.exe and wordpadfilter.dll from their installation and continue using the software.

Microsoft suggests switching to Microsoft Word, but if you don’t want to pay a license, you can always use third-party alternatives.

Keep in mind that this change affects only Windows 11, and Windows 10 users will still have access to WordPad.

Speaking of the latest update, it seems that Windows 11 24H2 will come with hardware compatibility changes, so make sure your PC can handle it.

More about the topics: Windows 11, WordPad