Microsoft now lets admins expedite Windows updates to improve performance and stability

It was earlier limited to security updates

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expedite non-security Windows update

Lately, Microsoft has been rolling out a series of changes to enhance the Windows experience. The latest in the list is Microsoft allowing IT administrators to expedite obtaining and deployment of non-critical Windows 11 security updates.

According to the Redmond-based tech giant, expedited security updates via Intune and Microsoft Graph have been a success, and it’s time to extend the capability to non-security updates.

In its blog post, Microsoft explains the benefits of expedited non-security quality updates,

By expediting non-security quality updates, you can quickly obtain many fixes that are considered critical by your peers. Additionally, we want you to be able to deploy out-of-band (OOB) updates to devices faster than ever. In short, you can now improve the stability, performance, and functionality of devices by addressing quality issues before the next security update.

For now, expedited deployment of quality updates is limited to the latest iteration of the OS, i.e., Windows 11.

Microsoft recommends you use Intune to expedite quality updates.

Image Source: Microsoft

You could also use Microsoft Graph, but that is a slightly complex process with a long list of requirements.

With the ability to deploy Windows 11 quality updates as soon as they are released, you will be able to reduce crashes, enhance stability, and boost performance.

What’s your take on Microsoft allowing expedited non-security updates? Share with our readers in the comments section.

More about the topics: PC performance, Update, Windows 11