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More prisons do not mean safer streets

Statement from Annette So, Director of the Criminal Justice Alliance, on the government’s plan to create 14,000 new prison places as part of its 10-year prison strategy announced today (Wednesday 11 December)

We are concerned to see the government’s plans for building 14,000 new prison places positioned as a long-term solution. A ten-year strategy that fails to prioritise prevention and diversion misses a vital opportunity to address the root causes of crime and in turn, reduce it sustainably.

Building more prisons does not mean safer streets. Evidence consistently shows that investment in prevention, and community-based alternatives is far more effective in supporting rehabilitation, reducing reoffending and promoting public safety. The CJA’s 200+ members working on the frontlines to deliver meaningful, person-centred support know full well how transformative and effective these approaches can be. We can also learn from positive examples across Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.

At the CJA, we look forward to consulting with our members and contributing evidence to the upcoming sentencing review, showcasing the success of alternatives to custody. We know that former Justice Secretary David Gauke’s Sentencing Review will be evidence-led, and we strongly urge the government to follow suit by considering the findings before committing to costly and potentially counterproductive prison expansion. Only then can we build a fairer and more effective criminal justice system that works for everyone.