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幸运飞行艇开奖查询号码官方-最新168飞艇开奖历史查询-在线飞行艇开奖官网直播记录-Driving systemic change together

The Criminal Justice Alliance is a network of 200+ organisational and academic members working towards a fair and effective criminal justice system.

We advocate for sensible changes to make the criminal justice system work better. Our insight comes from our members: over 200 organisational and academic members with expertise across the whole criminal justice system. Their broad remits enable us to piece together the right formula for lasting change.

Our drive comes from the recognition that a fairer and more effective system will help communities across England and Wales, with positive effects that can be felt far beyond crime and justice.

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If you work for a CJA member organisation, you can also sign up for email updates on the latest CJA news, blogs, policy reports and events.   

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Crowd at CJA event

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Ministry of Justice

News & Blog

We regularly publish blogs from CJA staff members discussing trends in criminal justice, as well as guest blogs from members highlighting the frontline work they are doing or their research findings.

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Prison landing

CJA Resources

Visit our resources page to read policy briefings and reports from the CJA on topics such as reducing the prison population, building a restorative criminal justice system, community scrutiny of the police and more.

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Two police officers standing outside.

Useful Reading

Are you looking for further information on a criminal justice area or issue? Check out our Useful Reading page for reports from the government, academics and organisations from across the sector.

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